What is DiSC?

We realize that many people hear "DiSC" and don't know exactly what it is and what it's good for (conversely, if they know about DiSC, they may not understand the history and validity behind it). With that in mind, let's talk about the theory of DiSC - explained in a way that is clear, thoughtful and concise. Who says the basics have to be boring?

Everything DiSC® is a personal development learning experience that measures an individual's preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model. But what is the DiSC® model? The DiSC® model is a simple but powerful model that describes four basic behavioral styles: D, i, S and G, and serves as the foundation for every single Everything DiSC application.

D: Dominant
i: initiative
S: Steady
G: Conscientious

Each is a mix of all four DiSC styles - usually one, two or even three styles stand out. Each person has a unique behavioral profile with different styles and priorities - no style is better or worse than the other. We believe these differences in style can be extremely valuable. Once you value these differences and leverage their value, better workplace communication AND healthier organizations become possible. Seems easy, right? That's it too. But it's not simple.
Here's why:
DiSC has been researched and analyzed for over 40 years. In fact, the DISC Klassich profile in paper form from WILEY was the first DiSC assessment ever! As technology has evolved, DiSC has also evolved. Our online DiSC assessments use the most advanced assessment method (adaptive testing) and sophisticated algorithms to quickly analyze a person's answers and provide the most accurate feedback possible. The profile translates these assessment results into a personalized narrative that is both actionable and memorable. All of our Everything DiSC personality assessments are application-oriented, so the feedback is presented to you as an executive, manager, individual contributor or salesperson.

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